It is not enough just to read your insurance policy when you have an insurance claim, because insurance policies often do not comply with the law. This is why most insurance policy booklets will have a clause on the last page of the policy stating that state law will override this policy contract. When you point out a state law that overrides a policy provision, it will stop a pigheaded insurance adjuster in his tracks.

And even if your insurance company does not have this clause on the last page of the policy, it does not mean that state law does not override the policy. It just means they don’t have to make you aware of ALL of your rights.

I cannot possibly comment on all of the specific insurance claim law codes and case law of 50 different states in one ebook. And you do not have time to read through mountains of legalise. HOWEVER, there are common elements in all states and my ebooks will show you what to zero in on and how to use that information.

MOST STATES model their own regulations on California insurance claim law codes and court cases. If any California like laws are not in your state statutory and case law, then you can still use them as “persuasive law” and in “equity” argument (“what’s fair” argument) with the insurer’s adjuster or attorney. This will help you whether or not you are in litigation.

The California statutory insurance code regarding unfair claim practices is in accordance with the intent of Congress as expressed in the Act of Congress of March 9, 1945 (Public Law 15, Seventy-ninth Congress). The Statutory Fire Policy was adopted from the 1943 New York Fire Policy. MOST STATES , if not all states, have followed these models. In other words, no property policy may offer less coverage than the minimums of what is covered in the 1943 New York Fire Policy and US Public Law 15, 1945.

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