TRADITIONAL SINGLE SHEET AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK VALUATION – What a Simple and Effective Appraisal Should Look Like


This guide includes 3 sample “traditional” 1 page vehicle valuations, 2 of those by different nationwide appraisal firms. They show that all of the necessary information to value a vehicle and its salvage can be put on one sheet of paper, making it fast and simple for anyone to verify its accuracy. Insurers have drifted away from this method for obvious reasons, to keep you, the claimant (and their own adjusters) in the dark.

If you or your own appraiser are overwhelmed by the 15 page computer appraisals, such as by ADP and CCC, you should push the insurance adjuster to obtain a traditional appraisal and let them view a sample in this report before they demand a formal “policy appraisal procedure” (and WW III breaks out). It seems to be a dying skill, however many of the older big appraisal firms should be able to do one.



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